Finance of America HomeSafe Second Logo

Give your budget a Second to breathe

HomeSafe Second is a second mortgage for homeowners seeking cash to help manage the impact of inflation and address economic uncertainty without the burden of a new monthly mortgage payment.*

Woman happy she received her reverse mortgage, HomeSafe Second
Retired couple enjoying a vacation funded by their HomeSafe reverse mortgage loan
Retired couple enjoying their hike after receiving their reverse mortgage loan, HomeSafe Second

How HomeSafe Second puts you first

Unlike other home equity loan options, like a HELOC, HomeSafe Second lets you access a portion of your home equity without adding a new payment to your monthly bills, keeping more cash in your pocket.*

Turns equity into cash

Spend your unlocked cash virtually any way you wish.

No new monthly mortgage payments*

Keep more cash in your pocket for the things that matter.

Compliments current mortgage

No need to refinance your first mortgage at current rates.

What HomeSafe Second can do for you

  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them

    Ease the impact of inflation and uncertainty

    Get cash to improve your budget, battle rising costs, and protect against economic uncertainty.

  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them

    Fund home renovations

    Pay for home improvements that make your home safer, more enjoyable, and more suitable to your lifestyle.

  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them

    Pay off higher-interest debts

    Tackle higher-interest consumer debt, like credit cards, and create financial breathing room.

  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them

    Cover medical expenses

    Address ongoing medical expenses, emergencies, and long-term care.

Get started
  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them
  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them
  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them
  • Couple who understands what Finance of America's HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage can do for them
Couple receiving help applying for their HomeSafe Second reverse mortgage loan

Care customized to you

As a HomeSafe borrower, you can pick up the phone and speak directly with a member of our Borrower Care team who is familiar with your loan and financial goals.

In addition to answering questions and concerns related to your loan, the Borrower Care team offers extra assistance with filling out forms, active loan monitoring to keep your loan in good standing, and periodic check-ins to ensure you’re absolutely satisfied with your HomeSafe experience.

Frequently asked questions

HomeSafe Second is a second lien and HELOC alternative that turns a piece of home equity into cash without the burden of a new monthly mortgage payment or the need to refinance.*

*The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including meeting all loan obligations under the first lien mortgage, living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the homeowner does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid.

HomeSafe Second loans you a portion of your home equity as a second mortgage. You receive these funds via a lump sum and are not required to make an additional monthly mortgage payment on this cash.*

*The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including meeting all loan obligations under the first lien mortgage, living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the homeowner does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid.

HomeSafe Second is for homeowners 55+** who want to preserve their current mortgage rate while gaining access to a portion of their home equity. For those considering a HELOC, it can be a strategic alternative with the unique advantage of not requiring a new monthly mortgage payment.*

*The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including meeting all loan obligations under the first lien mortgage, living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the homeowner does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid.

**For certain HomeSafe products only, excluding Massachusetts, New York, and Washington, where the minimum age is 60, and North Carolina and Texas where the minimum age is 62.

HomeSafe Second and home equity line of credit (HELOC) offer homeowners different options for accessing a portion of their home equity. HomeSafe Second provides a one-time lump sum payment with no new monthly mortgage payment required.* A HELOC offers ongoing access to home equity, requiring a monthly payment on the money withdrawn. Learn more


*The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including meeting all loan obligations under the first lien mortgage, living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the homeowner does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid.

A HomeSafe Second loan is repaid when the homeowner moves out, doesn’t meet the loan conditions, or passes away. The loan can be settled by selling the house or by using other assets if the borrower or heirs prefer to keep the house. Most importantly, the borrower or heirs won’t owe more than the home’s value.

*The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including meeting all loan obligations under the first lien mortgage, living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the homeowner does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid.