Seeing the world together

Mario and Veronica are living their bucket list and making memories all across the world.

Meet Mario & Veronica

Living a full life and doing what they love meant finding a way to fund their travels.

Mario had been working full-time since he was twelve years old and never stopped until he retired from his role as a motion picture technician. After the loss of his first wife, and mother of his three children at an early age, Mario was only focused on providing for his family. After several years, he finally met Veronica, an elementary school teacher and now wife of 24 years. After they both retired, they started planning how they wanted to live out their golden years and agreed that it was all about traveling the world. They just needed to figure out how they were going to fund it.

If you ask Mario what is most important in life, he will tell you “time.” At 79 years young, he says, “I don’t have a lot of time left to waste. It is my time to enjoy all my hard work.”

Veronica points out, “I am a parent and a grandparent. I learned I wasn’t doing anything for myself. I was sitting waiting for my daughter to call to see if I was needed to help with her kids, I never really traveled until I met Mario.”

The House That Mario Built

They both love the home that Mario built with his own hands fifty years ago, and now it was almost fully paid for. As Mario and Veronica put it, “Every time we thought about selling the house, we would ask ourselves, where do we move to? We love this place.” Selling their house was not an option, but they couldn’t get the equity out without an income. They spent over a year and a half looking at various financial options, but none were attractive to them.

It wasn’t until they learned about Finance of America’s jumbo reverse mortgage loan options that Mario started to understand this unique product as an answer to his needs.

“When we first learned about a reverse mortgage, I only heard feedback about the negative things like you will lose your property.” says Mario, “Then time passes and priorities change, and my priority changed from not wanting to leave a big fat inheritance for my children, but to enjoy my golden years in the way that I really wanted to. And I said yes, this is the option—max cash out, no more bills, money in the bank, no more writing checks for equity.”

And Mario’s parting words of wisdom, “If you’re like me, you work all your life and you want to go out with a bang, do it!”

Mario and Veronica discuss their experience with Finance of America

“We wanted to travel, we wanted not to have financial worries, and this was the perfect avenue.”

— Mario & Veronica, real HomeSafe customer